WinTRAS data formats

WinTRAS - database 

real - ASCII - data

binary - WORD - ASCII - data

binary - WORD - stream - data

Following gives an overview of possible data formats for storing of measuring data.


winTRAS - database

Format:  dBase for Windows

Database Structure:

Concept:: relational database organized into several tables stored on the harddisk.

    contains all information's about saved projects.

Table name:                  protokol.dbf

Profile                           contains calibrator profiles

Table name:                  calprofil.dbf

Messwerte                   contains the evaluation results of the projects

Table name:                  messwerte.dbf, auswertung.dbf, calresults.dbf, caldividerresults.dbf

Kurven                        contains the recorder settings, display view settings and curve raw data

Table name:                  kurven.dbf, kurvenkopf.dbf, kanalkopf.dbf

In table kurvenkopf.dbf the recorder settings, display view settings, helping lines and evaluating settings

In table kanalkopf.dbf are describe each individual channels.

In table kurven.dbf the raw data of the measuring channels according to IEC 1083–1 as a binary data stream (Blobfield). This raw data can be reloaded any time from the database to recorder channels and can then be subject to new analysis and evaluations.


real - ASCII - data

The data are stored in a textfile as a REAL with ASCII-characters for access with any text editor.
The structure is as follows:
Each line contains the time instant and then in sequence the magnitudes of one or morel channels as a real-value (e.g. 1.23545000E+002).
Delimiter between the columns and at the end of the line is a semicolon (;).


binary - WORD - ASCII - data

The data are stored in a textfile as a WORD with ASCII-characters for access with any text editor.
The structure is as follows:
Each line contains in sequence the magnitudes of one or morel channels as a unsigned 16 bit integer value (e.g. 32499) without any time-information.
Delimiter between the columns and at the end of the line is a semicolon (;).


binary - WORD - stream data

The data are stored as a data stream sequentially channel for channel into a binary file without any delimiters.