
copy to clipboard


channel - copy




copy to clipboard

You have the possibility to export the actual screen content to the Windows 95 clipboard. The used format is Windows metafile format. 
With this feature you are able to import WinTR-AS curves very easily to any Windows 95 text processing program or any other application which supports clipboard import of metafiles.
If you make a copy to the clipboard there will also be created a file named „KURWIN.WMF“. This is very useful if you need the metafile-picture as file.



Measuring functions with cursor can be selected directly with the left mouse key.


channel - copy

You have the possibility to copy the content from a source channel to a destination channel.
Source and target channels must be selected in the form.



You will see a window with all saved evaluation results of the selected project (job) in a list.
The names of the columns are the same as the names used in the database tables.



You will get the dialog window „evaluation“ which is the base dialog for all evaluation operations of the application. The dialog gives you an overview of the evaluation rules for all configured channels (physical and virtual channels!). Further you can make individual settings for each channel if you click with the left mouse button into a row. Another dialog will be opened which allows you to change the settings displayed in the table before.

Please take note that actual changes of the evaluation settings are only applied if you terminate both dialogs with the „OK“ button.

You will see that all settings can be changed in the dialog „channel evaluation options“. The evaluation works as follows:
First the commands in the line „evaluation rules“ will be interpreted and executed. Afterwards the result of this operation will be evaluated with the selected evaluation mode.
The configuration controls in the lower area of the dialog or responsible for the output of the evaluation results in the status window.

evaluation rules

With the input field „evaluation rules“ you have the possibility to determine mathematical operation with different source channels. This means you have also the possibility to create synthetic curves using this feature.

possible operands, operators or functions:
PI circle number Pi
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Di vision
^ Power
SQRT Square root
SQR Square
SIN Sinus
COS Cosinus
TAN Tangens
ARCSIN Arcussinus
ARCCOS Arcuscosinus
ARCTAN Arcustangens
SINH Sinus Hyperbolicus
COSH Cosinus Hyperbolicus
TANH Tangens Hyperbolicus

nat. logarithm

LOG dek. logarithm
EXP Exponential function

Addition of channel 1 and 2, destination channel = 3 ;

evaluation mode
The field „evaluation mode“ provides a set of predefined evaluation operations. You activate a desired evaluation mode with a single click to the register pageheader.
For detailed information click into your desired evaluation mode.

possible evaluation modes:
no ev. no evaluation choosed
NI standart evaluation
LI lightning impulse evaluation
SI switching impulse evaluation
OI oscillating - evaluation
IC current impulse evaluation
PK peak evaluation
Step short - circuit of a load voltage
Resp impulse response

time evaluation

FFT fast  fourier transformation
Comp compare channels
Filt smooth channel
Rect rectangular evaluation
AC AC - evaluation
DC DC - evaluation
Integral edge - evaluation
aAC aperiodic AC - evaluation
RV edge - evaluation

 If you would like to deactivate the evaluation, you have to click to the first pageheader „no evaluation“.

In the lower area you specify the number of significant digits for evaluation results for amplitude and time evaluation. On the right side you find an option field which allows you to activate/deactivate the following items:

label action if active
evaluate channel after recording starts evaluation after each record automatically
auxiliary lines draws auxiliary lines and circles
evaluation grid draws evaluation grid 0%...100%
no. of  digits for amplitude eval. considers the corresponding number of significant digits
no. of digits for time evaluation considers the corresponding number of significant digits

If all settings are correct you have two possibilities to start the evaluation in the dialog „evaluation“:
Click the button „evaluate all“ if you would like to start the evaluation for all channels.
Make sure that the auto-evaluation is turned on if you use this button!
Click into the first column onto the channel number if you wish to evaluate only a specific single channel.