
all settings

delay / timebase

amplifier / hardwaretrigger

load recorder settings

save recorder settings

delete recorder settings


This menu provides all controls for the settings and the configuration of the installed digital recorder.


all settings

This menu item executes all necessary setting dialogs for the operation settings of the digital recorder. The dialogs are described below.


delay / timebase

The controls of this dialog depend on the configured digital recorder. Divergences to the illustrated dialog are possible.
The onboard memory of the digital recorder is divided into a specific number of memory segments which are also called memory blocks.
It depends on the recorder type if  the number of these blocks is fixed or if you have the possibility to change the number of blocks.

Recorder with fixed number of blocks
This recorder type has two, four or eight memory blocks. The block length is also fixed. The control „number of blocks“ is therefore disabled and shows only the number of memory blocks.
This recorder type allows you to change the delay – mode (multi-signal or single signal).

Recorder with variable number of blocks
This recorder type allows you to varied the number of memory blocks from two to eight blocks. It is also allowed to change the block length for each configured block.
The length of the first block is the number of points before trigger event in pre – trigger mode. The delay – mode for this recorder type is fixed (ABC – Mode).

Attention: Please refer to the manual of your installed digital recorder type if you look for an explanation of delay – mode or pre – trigger!

To operate this dialog do as follows:
Select the number of blocks. The table in the lower area of the dialog will change the number of columns if you change the number of blocks. Each column shows the data of a specific memory block.
Select for each block  (segment) the timebase and the number of points (=block length). Every change of one of these parameters will modify the time information in the last row of the table. You can change the content of each field if you perform a single click to the field.
Attention: You have to accept restrictions if you change the block length! It is not possible to change the length of the last block because this length depends on the length of all other blocks. That means if you reduce for example the length of the first block for 4000 points, the length of the last block will grow automatically with 4000 points.

Select pre – or post – trigger mode.
Select the number of points before trigger.
The preview allows you to control your settings.


amplifier / hardware - trigger  

This dialog allows you to change settings for the hardware – trigger and the installed amplifier(s).  

trigger - setup

It is possible to choose static or dynamic triggering. You can determine the trigger value in percent of the measure range for the static or dynamic trigger. Different polarity and mixed trigger mode is also possible.  To change the entry of  a field you only have to perform a single click with the left mouse button into this field.
The preview allows you to control the actual settings. The following symbols are used:

^ static trigger positive (the line shows the level)
v static trigger negative (the line shows the level)
arrow up dynamic trigger positive
arrow down dynamic trigger negative

amplifier - setup


In the lower area of the dialog you will find a table with the actual settings of the amplifier.

label meaning
CH physical channel
CH-type channel-type analog or digital
range measure range
dim dimension ( V,A,etc. )
offset(%) zero-line in percent of the range
mode input coupling ( AC, DC, GND )
R(in) input resistance
BW limit bandwith limit
divider divider ratio of external divider
input amplifier input or divider input of measuring system in use

With a single click to the desired field you open another dialog which allows you to make changes. There are no changes possible if you select a digital channel type.
The preview shows the settings of the actual worked channel.
Click to the channel number in column one if you would like to switch the preview.

New feature / add-on :

Since software release V2.900 a HV-divider can be defined via a global so-called "divider-shunt list". Each defined divider can be given a name for better recognition and with help of this function Hierzu kann dem Teiler ein Name zugewiesen werden und somit wird es dem Anwender ermöglicht eine etwaige Veränderung des Teilungsverhältnisses mittels einer globalen Änderung für alle damit festgelegten Prüfsetups durchzuführen.


Seit Softwareversion V2.929 ist nun die Zeitenkorrektur für Blitzstoß-Teiler verfügbar interessierenden Kanal umzuschalten. Diese wird
mittels den "Prüfsequenz-Einstellungen" wie folgt aktiviert : 

impulse divider time-correction

Die Einstellungen für Korrekturfaktoren und deren Gültigkeitsbereich erfolgt über die oben beschriebene "Vorteiler-Shunt Liste" :

 impulse divider - correction factors


load recorder settings

This menu item opens a file open dialog which allows you to load recorder settings from your harddisk. The files are labeled with the extension MNU.


save recorder settings

This menu item opens a file save dialog which allows you to save actual  recorder settings to your harddisk. The extension MNU will be automatically added to the filename.


delete recorder settings

You will get a selection dialog which allows you to delete files with the extension MNU. Select the file you would like to delete and click the „Open“ button. It is also possible to delete multiple files using the CTRL key while you select the files.



All hardware specific settings will be made in this dialog. Furthermore you can change the operation language of the application with the first control on the upper left side.
Please make sure that the entry in the field „serial-no. of measure case“ is correct. If you are not sure  the number is correct contact us!
This number is the key for the identification of the file with the amplifier scale factors.

Please take note that all settings are delivered correctly by Dr. Strauss GmbH. Normally you don’t have to make any changes in this dialog!
Only in case of errors you should check these settings and contact us! If you make faulty settings the digital recorder will not work correctly!

label meaning
device type digital recorder type
record counter record counter of  the digital recorder
basic-segment address start-address of the address area which is reserved for the programming and for memory access of the digital - recorder hardware
basic-segment size size of the needed memory area
no. of channels number of physical channels
no. of virtual channels number of additional virtual channels
(used for evaluation etc.)

configuration of cards

The button „configuration of cards...“ starts a further dialog which provides controls for the hardware configuration of each physical channel.
The illustrated controls depend on the installed digital recorder type. Deviations are possible so that some controls are maybe disabled.

controller - version
This control is only important for the device type TR100-10 because of different controller – versions.

no. of memory cards per channel
Some VME-Bus based recorder types allow to operate with multiple memory-cards per channel to increase the complete memory depth of the digital recorder. Normally this value is set to 1.  

memory depth
Memory depth means the memory length of one applied memory-card. The complete memory depth of the channel results from the number of installed memory cards multiplied with the memory depth of one memory-card.  

no. of segments per memory - card
The memory is divided in multiple segments which can be sampled with different timbases (see recorder settings!). The number of segments depends on the selected device type. It varies from two till eight segments.  

clock - frequency channel 1
This field determines the quartz frequency of the master channel. Master channel means channel no. 1 because this channel provides the quartz controlled timebase for all installed physical channels.
The table in the lower area of the dialog shows information about the installed input-divider-type, amplifier-type and the addresses of the A/D and memory card of each physical channel. You can change these entries with a single click with the left mouse button into the desired field of the table.

additional hardware

The button „additional hardware...“ in the main dialog will open a further dialog for the configuration of optional hardware like a DAC16, relay or a PCIO-card.

The control-relais of our transient-recorder can be programmed with port-address $31F. The control-code for turning on relais is "128", the code to turn off is "0". This control codes can be entered in the above dialogue.

The DAC16-card is used for automatical voltage-control when calibrating recorders / calibrators. This card can be programmed using port-address "$300". This settings can be entered in aboved dialogue.