compared calibration

general calibration

calibration with the comparison method

comparison calibration application 

start dialog

calibration data input

calibration results

calibration protocol 



general calibration

The described programs comparison calibration don’t belong to the usual delivery of the software. If you have interests or need this parts of the software, you can purchase them if you contact the manufacturer or your appropriate representative.

For measurements or calibrations corresponding to IEC 1083-1 or IEC 60-2 you will need high-precision digital recorder For this assignment there was developed  a whole family of new digital recorder TR-AS  including the necessary software, which give you the ability to practice all claimed calibrations or measurements corresponding to IEC 1083-1 and IEC 60-2.

The comarison calibration is a calibration from a test object with an reference digital recorder.

calibration with the comparison method

The calibration of several measuring ranges of digital impulse measurement systems TR-AS 25/8/10/12 or TR-AS 100/200.8/10/12 corresponding to IEC 1083-1 as “performance check”can either be done with an impulse-calibration or alternative with an extra calibration of voltage and time via step-voltage.

comparison calibration application 

The automatic control of impulse-calibration-systems is done via a coaxial connection which is connected to the calibration-relay of the digital impulse measurement system TR-AS.
The channels which you should be calibrated will be connected either alone or in parallel to the output of the calibration-generator.  
Only connect outputs while dead.

 please choose the application “comparison calibration” in WinTRAS.  

There must be now an input-dialogue. In this dialogue you can select or create a new project / job. In this case there is no need to select a test-setup, display-view or recorder-setting.
Data, which describe the test-object like serial-no., date etc. can be input in this dialogue.

calibration-type and calibration-profile

Here you can select the used calibrator-type e.g. KAL1000 and as profile-name the serial-no. of the used calibration-generator. The input “KAL 1000” without serial-no. defines a calibrator with standard parameters corresponding to IEC 1082-1. In “calibration-profile” you can input calibration-results of a calibration-generator. In dependence to the serial-no. e.g. KAL1000#190 you can additional select the calibrator-settings.  

Creation of a calibration-profile
For each calibration-generator should be generated an own profile. For input of data you must first select the profile-name. We recommend to use the DKD-calibration protocol to create a profile and to use as profile-name the “KAL1000”+serial no. or “DKD”+calibration no.
For each impulse wave-shape you must input the load-voltage and the corresponding standard values from the calibration-protocol, where the data in rows with “+” must be input.
The profile table works with lineare interpolation in the range “<=” of the input load-voltage borders, where the lower border is automatically set to 0.

impulse and measuring input
The wave shape and the measurement input you want to calibrate  must be selected here.

impulse - calibration
The impulse calibration is done with the impulse-calibration generator KAL-LI 0,84/60 (optional with KAL-LI 1,56/60) for full or chopped lightning-impulse waveform or with impulse-calibration generator KAL-SI 20/4000 (optional with KAL-SI 250/2500) for full or chopped switching impulse waveform. The corresponding wave shape must be selected.

connection KAL1000-LI and – SI
If you are using a positive impulse-voltage, there must be connected a short-circuit plug to the negative BNC-output jack. The positive BNC-output jack for LI or SI will be connected via a coaxial connection cable with the inputs of the digital impulse-measuring system which you want to calibrate.
ATTENTION: Only connect outputs while dead.

start of the calibration / measurement range

After starting the calibration with “F8” or the corresponding toolbar button, there must be made some settings. The recorder can be calibrated in the measurement ranges with reference to the borders for voltage-range which are described in the calibration-certificate from KAL 1000. The measurement ranges which should be calibrated, can be selected with input from the  charge voltage levels.  

start dialog

Select for comparison the Comp channel.

The trigger-input of the base-device (firing input) will be connected via coaxial connection cable with the control-relay output (control out) of the digital impulse-measuring system.
The amount of the pre-calculated impulse-voltage load will be displayed.  

The loading voltage must be chosen corresponding to the reference value at the calibrator (e.g. KAL1000)  or the pre-calculated value of the measuring system must be edited if you aren’t able to set the value at the KAL 1000.
The record will be automatically started if you chosen “OK”, the calibration generator will be triggered and the measured impulse will be evaluated  after this the following  input dialog will be opened.

Calibration data input

Please put in all values exactly. This will be done until the calibration of the measurement range is ready. If you calibrated a as test object an digital recorder please don't  forget the input of the measure range. The values from the  reference recorder are used as reference values for the test object.

The calibration is done after setting the calibration-voltage for all measuring range which you want calibrated . The preset count of records is done automatically via control-relay of measurement system. The records will be evaluated corresponding to IEC 1083-1 (e.g. number of records per range 10).


For each record please don' t forget  input of the test object values. ( e.g. Lightning Impulse Up, T1 and T2  by calibration)

The maximum deviation and the mean-value of the chosen records will be saved into a protocol-file from which can be made the calibration-certificate later.  

The  nominal  values are the values from the reference channel (reference recorder).
At the beginning of the automatic calibration-sequence, you must input the chosen value of the loading voltage. This value is the reference for further calculations in the calibration process.

calibration with STEP-voltage
This calibration is done with step-voltage taken from the step-voltage generator KAL-STEP. The wave shape STEP must be selected in this case.

connection for KAL1000-STEP
For negative STEP-voltage you must connect the BNC-output jack via a coaxial connection cable with the impulse measuring system you want to calibrate.  

ATTENTION: Only connect outputs will dead.
The triggering-input of the KAL1000 base-device (firing input) must be connected via coaxial connection cable with the control-relay output of the digital impulse-measuring system. Further information is given in “impulse calibration”

time calibration
The time-calibration will be done with a built-in high-precision time mark-generator. The wave shape TIME must be selected.

connection for KAL1000-TIME
For the time-calibration the BNC-output jack TIME must be connected via a coaxial connection cable with the inputs of the digital impulse measuring system.

The triggering-input of the KAL1000 base-device (firing input) must be connected via coaxial connection cable with the control-relay output (control out) of the digital impulse-measuring system. Further information is given in “impulse calibration”

calibration results 

The calibration results will be saved into the WinTRAS-internal database und can be displayed in a result list. The automatic IEC-check operation “CHECK IEC 1083-1” displays the maximum differences for each parameter filtered for the actual wave shape.

In the database and in the protocol are only the values of the test object and the values from the reference channel are used as the nominal values.

calibration protocol

First you can select the wave shapes you want to print.

If you have saved curves when you did your calibration, you can select the output of this graphics and several other options in this dialogue.
The output of the calibration results is done in tabular form beginning with the test-object data and following the calibrated wave shapes (as you can see in the small preview for the wave shape LI 0,84/60).